Assignment Clinical Psychology (eBook) MPCE-011/012/013/046
This ebook contains the complete guideline for the Assignment of MAPC IGNOU for all the 3 subjects of Clinical Psychology plus Applied Positive Psychology
2021-2022 & 2022-2023 Assignment is Available
MAPC Clinical Book Set
This Combo Offer is valid from 6th Sep 2022 to 30th Sep 2022
In this you will get all 3 Clinical Psychology Books at NO ADDITIONAL COURIER Charges
We now know that all human beings are touched in one way or another by mental disturbance in their lives, either directly through their own struggles to deal with mental disorders or indirectly through affected friends or relatives whose troubled behavior we cannot ignore. Psychopathology is not about “them.” It’s about all of us.
Psychological disorders both fascinate and are of concern to scientists and the general public. Why people exhibit psychological disorders, how they express their disturbances, and how such behaviors can be prevented and treated are questions that continue to intrigue us.
As you will learn, there are many different types of psychological disorders, and each is caused by the interaction of many different factors and can be considered from many different perspectives. You will also learn about how individuals understand, cope with, and recover from psychological disorders.
The aim of this book is to sensitize readers to a wide range of psychological disorders and to provide them with resources upon which they can rely to learn and understand the content to deal responsibly with these issues. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it is also a useful starting point for students encountering the subject for the first time at degree level or other courses.