Assessment in Counselling and Guidance

Please note that Delivery will start from 11th Oct 2019 only

Assessment is an integral part of the counselling process in which the counsellor and client work together to gain a better understanding of the client’s problems. I believe that effectiveness and accuracy in assessment are essential to effective counselling. Throughout this textbook, my aim is to provide students with an overview of the many approaches to assessment so they can become competent and ethical practitioners in our multicultural society.


400.00 340.00
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Cognitive Psychology 3rd Ed.

Cognitive Psychology is endlessly interesting because it is about one of the most fascinating topics – the human mind. This subject has evolved over the past half century to become a dominant approach to almost all aspects of human psychology. Yet, some find it exciting and elegant while other students find the field of cognitive psychology technical and “geeky”—filled with complicated models of phenomena far removed from everyday life. It is important, therefore, for a student of psychology to receive a solid introduction to the concepts of cognitive psychology.

400.00 320.00
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Counselling Psychology

Counselling is a wonderful invention of 20th Century. We live in a complex, busy, and constantly changing world. In this world, there are different types of experiences that are difficult for people to cope with. Most of the time, we get on with life, but sometimes we are stopped in our tracks by an event or situation that we do not, at that moment, have the resources to sort out. Counselling is a really useful option during such moments.

This book is an introduction to the field of counselling. The aim of this book is to provide a framework for all the different aspects of counselling that exist in contemporary society. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it is also a useful starting point for students encountering counselling for the first time at degree level or on other courses.

400.00 340.00
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Interventions in Counselling

Interventions in Counselling

Counselling interventions have been defined in professional literature as a unique interrelationship between a client and a counsellor, which aims to create a change and growth in the client. This book will demonstrate several significant elements that are associated with counselling intervention as a psychological process, clarifying important aspects and strategies that contribute to the effectiveness of the process.

The aim of this book is to provide a framework for all the different aspects of counselling interventions that exist in contemporary society. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it is also a useful starting point for students encountering counselling for the first time at degree level or other courses.

400.00 340.00
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Lifespan Psychology

The study of human development over the life span reveals the fascinating story of human beings and how they change over time. The story is both universal and uniquely personal, because it speaks to us about ourselves and the people who are important in our lives. Besides being intrinsically interesting, knowledge about development has obvious relevance for professionals engaged in psychology, counseling, education, social work, and other helping and health-related fields.

400.00 320.00
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MAPC 1st Year Book Set

All Six First Year Books

001 – 002 – 003 – 004 – 005 – 006

Now you can purchase in just one click..

Click Here for Important Chapters & Topics for June 2020 Exam

2,425.00 1,920.00
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MAPC Clinical Book Set

This Combo Offer is valid from 6th Sep 2022 to 30th Sep 2022

In this you will get all 3 Clinical Psychology Books at NO ADDITIONAL COURIER Charges

1,320.00 1,020.00
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MAPC Counselling Book Set

This Combo Offer is valid from 6th Sep 2022 to 30th Sep 2022

In this you will get all 3 Counselling Psychology Books at NO ADDITIONAL COURIER Charges


1,320.00 1,020.00
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Personality: Theories and Assessment 2nd Ed.

Personality psychology was established as an area within psychology which was devoted to studying the person as a coherent and unique whole. Personality psychology looks for answers to numerous questions. In what ways do human beings differ? In what situations and along what dimensions do they differ? Why do they differ? How much do they differ? How consistent are human differences? Can they be measured? These are the issues that this text will explore.

375.00 300.00
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Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology (MPCE – 046)

Positive psychology is one of the fastest-growing and least understood branches of psychology. Since being launched few decades ago, it has gained thousands of professional adherents in diverse countries, inspired countless college students, and achieved widespread media attention.

This book will discuss a variety of psychological concepts that fall under the broad umbrella of positive psychology.  The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. Throughout this book, students will engage in learning the science of positive psychology and how to increase their own well-being using research-based interventions.

The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it should also be a useful starting point for students encountering the subject for the first time at degree level or on other courses.

No background in the subject is necessary to understand the content of this book. Every effort has been made to offer a readable, user-friendly style by avoiding jargon and technical language whenever possible and focused on writing a clear, relevant, and interesting book on an exciting topic.

450.00 405.00
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Psychodiagnostics is an important area of work of psychologists and educationalists. The clinical or health care psychologist tries to find out what the patient or client is suffering from. It is not so easy to come to a clear diagnosis, because different factors often play a role here. For wellfounded diagnostics, psychologists and educationalists can use interviews and psychological tests. Eventually, the information collected through these interviews and tests have to be combined in order to reach a final decision. The goal is to create a starting point for advice and treatment.

As psychodiagnostics is a complex part of the profession, it is important to adequately prepare students for this, during their courses.

The aim of this book is to sensitize readers to a wide range of psychodiagnostics tools and to provide them with resources upon which
they can rely to learn and understand the content to deal responsibly in their professional life. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it is also a useful starting point for students learning the subject for the first time at degree level or other courses.

400.00 340.00
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Psychological Statistics 3rd Ed.

The main aim of this book is to boost the confidence of the students. This book will assist you in understanding the basic concept of statistics in a simpler way. The number of numerical are also explained in an affluent way.

This book does not assume that you have any prior statistical knowledge. However, with your basic mathematical, you will find that everything is clearly explained.

Apart from the theory in simpler language, this book carries the solutions to all the numerical asked in the MAPC IGNOU exam till June 17 exam and all the assignment till 2017-2018.


450.00 360.00
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