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Counselling Psychology

Counselling is a wonderful invention of 20th Century. We live in a complex, busy, and constantly changing world. In this world, there are different types of experiences that are difficult for people to cope with. Most of the time, we get on with life, but sometimes we are stopped in our tracks by an event or situation that we do not, at that moment, have the resources to sort out. Counselling is a really useful option during such moments.

This book is an introduction to the field of counselling. The aim of this book is to provide a framework for all the different aspects of counselling that exist in contemporary society. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily at those who are studying psychology at post graduate level either regular or by distance learning mode. However, it is also a useful starting point for students encountering counselling for the first time at degree level or on other courses.

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This book is an introduction to the field of Counselling Psychology. The goals are to provide a foundation for the subject. The book is aimed primarily for those studying psychology at post graduate level, either regular or by distance learning mode and for students encountering personality for the first time at degree level or other courses.

No background in the subject is necessary to understand the content of this book. Every effort has been made to offer a readable, user-friendly style by avoiding jargon and technical language wherever possible and focused on writing a clear, relevant, and interesting book on an exciting topic.